How to Install Mulch for Landscaping
One of the most commonly used materials in landscaping beds is mulch. Installing mulch in your planting beds has many different purposes, including retaining moisture within the soil, promoting the health of the soil, controlling unwanted weeds, and even insulating a plant’s roots to protect them from freezing temperatures. Because of the large variety of different colors and textures of mulch, many use it in their own gardens not only for practical purposes but also for aesthetic preferences. Mulch can range from brown tones to red, black, and more. Mulch typically comes from hardwood, softwood, and even tree bark. A local garden store is good for purchasing small amounts of mulch in bags. If you’re planning to install larger amounts of mulch, find a local supplier who can help you choose the best mulch for your landscaping project and sells it in bulk quantities.
Calculate New Mulch Quantity
Measure Planting Beds
Before purchasing your choice of mulch, you must first measure the intended planting space for the mulch itself. In order to measure your plant bed, use a tape measure to measure the length and width of each that will be mulched and make a note.
Convert Planting Bed Measurements
In order to convert your planting bed measurements to square feet, multiply the width and length of the planting bed. Using a mulch calculator, input the measurements, adding a 2-inch depth, to determine how much mulch to buy.
Prepare Planting Beds
Prune Shrubs and Plants
Prior to installing new mulch, this is an ideal time for pruning shrubs and trees. If you prune your plants now, it will save you from having to clean up the trimmings from your newly installed mulch.
Remove Debris and Unwanted Weeds
Besides pruning the existing plants in your garden bed, it is also necessary to remove any existing debris and weeds. In addition to this, it is recommended to create a sharp edge around your garden bed if there’s no landscape edging installed. This is done by using an edging tool to sculpt clean edges around the bed. By following these guidelines, you not only ensure the cleanliness of your garden bed but also help prevent unwanted grass growth.
Level Existing Mulch
Before installing a new layer of mulch, it is always a good idea to level the existing mulch inside the garden bed. You can easily level your existing mulch by using a shrub rake. This ensures that your new mulch will have a flat surface to be installed on and that only the new mulch will be shown in your garden bed. Lastly, it is important if you intend to change your mulch color that you remove the old mulch so that only the new color is shown.
Irrigate the Planting Beds
Check Irrigation System
Before installing your new mulch, it is important that you test the irrigation system. Activate the irrigation system in planting beds and check for leaks. Leaks within your irrigation system could be detrimental to your plants, especially if they go unnoticed under a fresh layer of mulch. If any issues are found, make any necessary irrigation repairs now.
Run the Irrigation System
The last step before installing new mulch is to irrigate or hand-water the planting beds along with all plants, trees, and shrubs. This makes sure that all plants and materials are fresh and maintained before introducing new mulch into your garden bed. This is also a great time to program your irrigation timer.
Install New Mulch
Create Small Mulch Piles
When it comes to installing your new mulch, it is best to add small mulch piles throughout your garden bed rather than scattering the mulch around aimlessly. Make sure that no existing plants, sprinkler heads, or utility boxes are covered in the process of adding the mulch piles.
Spread New Mulch with a Rake
Just as you leveled out the existing mulch prior to installation, you should also level out your newly installed mulch. To do this, spread your new mulch evenly using a shrub rake throughout planting beds and around plants, trees, and shrubs.
Check Mulch Depth
After installing the new landscaping mulch, it is important to ensure that your mulch is at the proper depth. This ensures that the moisture and temperature of your current soil remain the same, as well as making sure that the roots of plants continue to grow steadily. In order to check the mulch layer, use a tape measure to verify that the depth is between 2 and 3 inches. Plan to add or remove new mulch as needed to get the proper depth.
Pull Mulch Away from Plants and Foundation
It is important to have space between foundations, the base of plants, and your new mulch. You can easily create space by pulling the mulch away from the base of all trees, plants, and foundations.
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