6 Drought Tolerant Trees for Dallas Landscaping
- , Plants
In Dallas, Texas, the summer heat is relentless, reaching highs in the 100s daily. Because of this, many plants are left dehydrated and are prone to dying under these harsh conditions. In order to produce a beautiful, blooming landscape in extreme conditions, we have provided a list of six drought-tolerant trees for Dallas landscaping. These trees are not only drought-resistant and low-maintenance, but they can also provide your summer landscaping with a vibrant plant that will not only be pleasing to the eye but will also withstand brutal drought-ridden summers.

Crape Myrtle Tree
Once a Crape Myrtle tree is firmly established in its soil, it is effectively drought- and heat-resistant, making it a great choice for your Dallas landscaping. When first planted, the tree should be watered daily for at least 5 days to ensure its roots will be firmly established, and once a week after this adjustment period. If maintained properly, some Crape Myrtles can survive 75–100 years, can grow up to 20 feet in height and 15 feet in width, and can easily be pruned into a smaller-sized tree if needed. Crape Myrtles are arguably low-maintenance because of their ability to thrive in numerous zones of Texas with many types of soil while retaining their drought-resistant nature. This tree thrives best and flowers in full sunlight, but it is also deciduous, meaning that the flowers die away in the winter. Throughout all seasons, these trees make for a lovely addition to any yard, both pleasing to the eye as well as efficient.
Live Oak Tree
Similar to the Crape Myrtle, the Live Oak tree is also adaptable to all zones of Texas as well as many different soil types. Like most trees, Live Oaks only need to be watered daily for the first week, once every week, or as needed after that. The Live Oak has a shocking life expectancy of 100–500 years and is known as a large shade tree, growing up to 40 feet tall and spanning 65 feet wide. Because of its large size and tendency to spread out over time, regular pruning is necessary for this tree and can be done every year or as needed. Live Oaks thrive in full sunlight and are categorized as an evergreen tree.

Texas Redbud Tree
The Texas Redbud tree is common in many landscape design plans and yards due to its attractive nature and ability to beautifully complement any space. Redbuds bloom in a variety of colors, such as burgundy, pink, and white, and can have green, burgundy, or variegated foliage. This tree thrives in full or partial sun and can grow up to 25 feet in height and width, living anywhere from 25 to 50 years if properly maintained. Redbuds are small accent trees, meaning that they can add color or texture to any landscape in three or four seasons. They are also deciduous, which means the flowers fall off in the winter, but even then, their foliage continues to thrive. Lastly, Redbuds are typically low-maintenance when planted in moist soil and areas that can easily reach sunlight.
Vitex Tree
Vitex trees are typically low-maintenance and prefer well-drained and neutral soils. Vitex usually spans from 10–15 feet in height and width, but in some cases, it grows to be 20 feet. As for tree pruning, Vitex is usually pruned in late winter in order to encourage more fresh blooms as spring comes. Vitex thrives in full sunlight and flowers in late spring or early summer. Although most vitex blooms are purple, they can also be pink, mauve, or white. Vitex are reasonably-sized trees that can add character to any landscape with their bright flowers and vibrant green foliage.
Desert Willow Tree
Desert Willow trees are native to the Sonoran Desert, so they are able to tolerate drought, heat, wind, and cold. These trees thrive in full sunlight and flower in the summer, growing up to 20 feet in height and width and living up to 100 years. Desert Willows have an erratic growth form, which means that pruning is often a necessary step to keeping the tree maintained. This is usually done in the spring, before the blooming season, so that the leaves can emerge as a single trunk rather than many sprouting branches. The Desert Willow can flower in numerous colors, including white, pink, and orchid.
Texas Mountain Laurel Tree
The Texas Mountain Laurel tree is a low-maintenance tree that can grow to be 15–25 feet in height and 10 feet in width, with a life expectancy of 80 or more years. Mountain Laurels thrive in full sunlight and bloom from February to the middle or end of April. This tree is also classified as an evergreen. Pruning for Mountain Laurel trees is usually done in the middle of spring after the blooming season or in the winter to remove freeze-damaged wood. The Texas Mountain Laurel tree blooms in many different colors, including purple (the most common), pink, white, burgundy, and scarlet.
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